

Feel free to come out of your shell to share your thoughts & express yourself freely OR post your comments *anonymously* in the "SHY BOX". I welcome your feedback & thoughts regarding this my features and any writings on my blog.
 Your voice is a gift! Use it to be heard!


Anonymous said...

I am jumping out of the shybox and shouting "IM INSPIRED"



Unknown said...

@ Christine.......Thanks so much!!!! I'm so happy you took the leap! (lol) I am definitely encouraged to continue sharing my thoughts & lessons. Peace & blessings to you always! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Bindu,

I just read your posts about wearing masks and I thought it was SO true and wise of you to say the things you said. It made me reflect a lot and gave me more courage to face certain life challenges and move forward with what I believe is best for me right now.

I absolutely loved it and I will be following your blog closely. Keep living your soul purpose, you're amazing :)

- Sarah

Unknown said...

Hi Sarah,

Thank you! I'm so glad I started this blog because I write all the time but I was such an introvert I would keep my writings in a box under my bed or in my closet. I was too shy & afraid to use my voice or speak my truth. If I can challenge myself then I know you can do anything you put your mind to. Trust & believe in yourself. Follow your heart knowing that you are powerful & life is really about lessons. Just the thought of finding courage within yourself to face life's challenges is MAJOR!! I use to talk myself out of everything until I pushed myself to face the things I didn't want to deal with. I wish you love, positive energy & peace on your journey. You've inspired me to keep sharing my truth & I am grateful for that. PEACE & BLESSINGS to you!

Anonymous said...

Bindu, I've recently been receiving your posts they are inspiring. Keep speaking your heart. I like when you talk about being shy & afraid to use my voice or speak my truth. I do believe I can do anything I put my mind to. I've got to believe in my self. I didn't get this far to get scared. I write and I've got to continue to write what my heart say. I am me and not what any one else think I should be.
Grateful for you blog.

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous,

THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your thoughts. Typing this message & putting your thoughts out there is MAJOR, so I already believe in you & I have no doubt that you will write your heart out!!!

You are who choose to be in this world & not who or what others define you as. I've been there & sometimes I still go back to where I question what I'm doing, if I am good enough or ready to share my thoughts or offer my truth. I've had people tell me that my writing is nonsense, but if I stayed stuck in their opinion of me or what I do then I would not be here connecting with you.

I know how those feelings of fear or doubt can creep into your head & discourage you, but you must understand that there is an internal battle going on inside many of us that can devalue who we truly are.

Please NEVER stop writing & fight for your voice to be heard. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!! PEACE & BLESSINGS :-)